
MicroCeph is the easiest way to get up and running with Ceph.

MicroCeph is a lightweight way of deploying and managing a Ceph cluster. Ceph is a highly scalable, open-source distributed storage system designed to provide excellent performance, reliability, and flexibility for object, block, and file-level storage.

Ceph cluster management is streamlined by simplifying key distribution, service placement, and disk administration for quick, effortless deployment and operations. This applies to clusters that span private clouds, edge clouds, as well as home labs and single workstations.

MicroCeph is focused on providing a modern deployment and management experience to Ceph administrators and storage software developers.

In this documentation


A hands-on introduction to MicroCeph for new users

How-to guides

Step-by-step guides covering key operations and common tasks


Technical information - specifications, APIs, architecture


Discussion and clarification of key topics

Project and community

MicroCeph is a member of the Ubuntu family. It’s an open-source project that warmly welcomes community projects, contributions, suggestions, fixes and constructive feedback.