============================= ``remote replication rbd`` ============================= Usage: .. code-block:: none microceph remote replication rbd [command] Available commands: .. code-block:: none configure Configure remote replication parameters for RBD resource (Pool or Image) disable Disable remote replication for RBD resource (Pool or Image) enable Enable remote replication for RBD resource (Pool or Image) list List all configured remotes replication pairs. status Show RBD resource (Pool or Image) replication status Global options: .. code-block:: none -d, --debug Show all debug messages -h, --help Print help --state-dir Path to store state information -v, --verbose Show all information messages --version Print version number ``enable`` ---------- Enable remote replication for RBD resource (Pool or Image) Usage: .. code-block:: none microceph remote replication rbd enable [flags] Flags: .. code-block:: none --remote string remote MicroCeph cluster name --schedule string snapshot schedule in days, hours, or minutes using d, h, m suffix respectively --skip-auto-enable do not auto enable rbd mirroring for all images in the pool. --type string 'journal' or 'snapshot', defaults to journal (default "journal") ``status`` ---------- Show RBD resource (Pool or Image) replication status Usage: .. code-block:: none microceph remote replication rbd status [flags] Flags: .. code-block:: none --json output as json string ``list`` ---------- List all configured remotes replication pairs. Usage: .. code-block:: none microceph remote replication rbd list [flags] .. code-block:: none --json output as json string --pool string RBD pool name ``disable`` ------------ Disable remote replication for RBD resource (Pool or Image) Usage: .. code-block:: none microceph remote replication rbd disable [flags] .. code-block:: none --force forcefully disable replication for rbd resource