Maintenance Mode


Cluster maintenance is important for keeping the Ceph Storage Cluster at a healthy state.

MicroCeph provides a simple and consistent workflow to support maintenance activity. Before executing any high-risk maintenance operations on a node, operators are strongly recommended to enable maintenance mode to minimise the impact and ensure system stability. For more information on how to enable maintenance mode in MicroCeph, please refer to Perform cluster maintenance.


Bringing a node into and out of maintenance mode generally follows check-and-apply pattern. We first verify if the node is ready for maintenance operations, then run the steps to bring the node into or out of maintenance mode if the verification passes. The strategy is idempotent, you can repeatedly run the steps without any issue.

The strategy is defined as follows:

Enabling maintenance mode

  • Check if OSDs on the node are ok-to-stop to ensure sufficient redundancy to tolerate the loss of OSDs on the node.

  • Check if the number of running services is greater than the minimum (3 MON, 1 MDS, 1 MGR) required for quorum.

  • (Optional) Apply noout flag to prevent data migration from triggering during the planned maintenance slot. (default=True)

  • (Optional) Bring the OSDs down and disable the service (Default=False)

Disabling maintenance mode

  • Remove noout flag to allow data migration from triggering after the planned maintenance slot.

  • Bring the OSDs up and enable the service