Changing the log level

By default, the MicroCeph daemon runs with the log level set to DEBUG. While that is the desirable behaviour for a good number of use cases, there are instances when this level is far too high - for example, embedded devices where storage is much more limited. For these reasons, the MicroCeph daemon exposes a way to both get and set the log level.

Configuring the log level

MicroCeph includes the command log, with the sub-commands set-level and get-level. When setting, we support both string and integer formats for the log level. For example:

sudo microceph log set-level warning
sudo microceph log set-level 3

Both commands are equivalent. The mapping from integer to string can be consulted by querying the help for the set-level sub-command. Note that any changes made to the log level take effect immediately, and need no restarts.

On the other hand, the get-level sub-command takes no arguments and returns an integer level only. Any value returned by get-level can be used for set-level.

For example, after setting the level as shown in the example, we can verify in this way:

sudo microceph log get-level