Import a remote MicroCeph cluster¶
MicroCeph supports adding secondary MicroCeph clusters as remote clusters.
This creates $remote.conf/$remote.keyring
files in the snap’s config directory
allowing users (and microceph) to perform ceph operations on the remote clusters.
This also enables capabilities like replication to remote clusters by exposing required remote cluster details to MicroCeph and Ceph.
Working with remote MicroCeph clusters¶
Assume Primary cluster (named magical) and Secondary cluster (named simple). An operator can generate the cluster token at the secondary cluster as follows:
sudo microceph cluster export magical
At the primary cluster, this token can be imported to create the remote record.
sudo microceph remote import simple eyJmc2lkIjoiN2FiZmMwYmItNjIwNC00M2FmLTg4NDQtMjg3NDg2OGNiYTc0Iiwia2V5cmluZy5jbGllbnQubWFnaWNhbCI6IkFRQ0hJdmRtNG91SUNoQUFraGsvRldCUFI0WXZCRkpzUC92dDZ3PT0iLCJtb24uaG9zdC5zaW1wbGUtcmVpbmRlZXIiOiIxMC40Mi44OC42OSIsInB1YmxpY19uZXR3b3JrIjoiMTAuNDIuODguNjkvMjQifQ== --local-name magical
This will create the required $simple.conf and $simple.keyring files. Note: Importing a remote cluster is a uni-directional operation. For symmetric relations both clusters should be added as remotes at each other.
Check remote ceph cluster status
sudo ceph -s --cluster simple --id magical
id: 7abfc0bb-6204-43af-8844-2874868cba74
health: HEALTH_OK
mon: 1 daemons, quorum simple-reindeer (age 18m)
mgr: simple-reindeer(active, since 18m)
osd: 3 osds: 3 up (since 17m), 3 in (since 17m)
pools: 4 pools, 97 pgs
objects: 4 objects, 449 KiB
usage: 81 MiB used, 15 GiB / 15 GiB avail
pgs: 97 active+clean
Note: Ceph commands can be invoked on the remote cluster by providing the necessary $cluster and $ names.
Similarly, configured remote clusters can be queried as follows
sudo microceph remote list
1 simple magical
and can be removed as
sudo microceph remote remove simple