Snap content interface for MicroCeph


Snap content interfaces enable access to a particular directory from a producer snap. The MicroCeph ceph-conf content interface is designed to facilitate access to MicroCeph’s configuration and credentials. This interface includes information about MON addresses, enabling a consumer snap to connect to the MicroCeph cluster using this data.

Additionally, the ceph-conf content interface also provides version information of the running Ceph software.


The usage of the ceph-conf interface revolves around providing the consuming snap access to necessary configuration details.

Here is how it can be utilised:

  • Connect to the ceph-conf content interface to gain access to MicroCeph’s configuration and credentials.

  • The interface exposes a standard ceph.conf configuration file as well Ceph keyrings with administrative privileges.

  • Use the MON addresses included in the configuration to connect to the MicroCeph cluster.

  • The interface provides version information that can be used to set up version-specific clients.

To connect the ceph-conf content interface to a consumer snap, use the following command:

snap connect <consumer-snap-name>:ceph-conf microceph:ceph-conf

Replace <consumer-snap-name> with the name of your consumer snap. Once executed, this command establishes a connection between the consumer snap and the MicroCeph ceph-conf interface.